I love learning new things

A wan, sad face peered back at the photographer. No amount of coaxing produced even the trace of a smile. Gloria’s registration photo for Amani School conveyed only tiredness, sickness, and hopelessness. Amidst stiff competition for limited educational opportunities, did Gloria have any chance of being chosen?    

Just months later as a kindergartener at Amani, Gloria can’t stop smiling. She is one of the most active students in her class, enthusiastic about learning and enjoying a strong rapport with her favorite teacher, Sir Samson.  

“Being at school makes me happy every day,” Gloria said. “I like playing with my friends during break time. Drawing and coloring are my favorite activities in class. I feel special when my teachers encourage me to do my best.”

The nurturing school environment gives wings to Gloria’s dreams, expanding her vision of her own potential. 

“I love learning new things,” Gloria said. “When I grow up, I want to help people as a doctor.” 

The two pictures below reflect Gloria’s transformation. The first was taken last year on registration day. The second shows Gloria a few weeks ago as she headed home after a day at school. 

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