Growing up on the streets of Tanzania, Yusuph experienced hopelessness at the deepest levels. Abandoned by his father, Yusuph slept on the streets, couldn’t afford school, and experienced deep depression. Yet, God miraculously saved him from committing suicide and radically transformed his life. Once hopeless and alone, the gospel gave Yusuph the only Hope that genuinely transforms. Today, Yusuph’s calling is to share that Hope with the nations.
In September 2017, Yusuph experienced another earth-shattering tragedy—his youngest brother died because of inadequate medical care. Yusuph returned to Tanzania to preach at his brother’s funeral, and while there, the Lord impressed upon his heart that it was time to start a new ministry. Unbeknownst to Yusuph, the Lord was also impressing the same message on his wife Katie’s heart. Upon his return, Katie and Yusuph realized God had spoken to them each individually and confirmed now was the time to launch something new.
Although the timing was wrong to human logic, God clearly ordained each step of the path. From the beginning, friends and family supported the ministry in various ways—people used their skills, talents, and gifts to generously help the ministry develop. It has been an exercise in faith and a true blessing to witness God’s mighty works through Twelve21 Global. We remain expectant and excited to see what the Lord has in store for us in the future.
Twelve21 Global is Founded
Kome Island residents give us 5 acres to build a primary school
First Mission
First Twelve21 Mission Trip to Tanzania
Opening of Kome Island Primary School
Bukabwa village residents give us 7 acres to build a primary school
Opening of Bukabwa Primary School
Celebrating 5 years of ministry
Discover more about Twelve21 Global’s values, theology, and impact.