As Twelve21 Global seeks to fulfill our vision, we are committed to core values that guide us, remind us of our priorities, and influence our decisions and behaviors.

Christ centered

We desire Jesus’ life, teachings, and character to shape and guide all aspects of our ministry. We acknowledge that Christ is the source of everything we are. He created us, called us, gifted us, commissioned us, and that every blessing that we receive comes from Him. (Col. 1:15-20)

servant hearted

We strive to lead and serve with humility as servants who act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord. (Mark 10:45, Mic. 6:8)

Compassion filled

We strive to lead and serve with humility as servants who act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord. (Mark 10:45, Mic. 6:8)

excellence driven

We strive to glorify God by our commitment to excellence and integrity in all that we do. God is worthy of our best—every time, all the time. (1 Cor. 10:31, Col. 3:23).

stewardship Focused

We strive to glorify God by faithfully stewarding the resources He has entrusted to us for the greatest kingdom impact. Every provision—finances, supplies, and people—comes from Him, and we embrace this responsibility with gratitude, diligence, and integrity. (James 1:17, Luke 12:42-48)

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