Serving With Love and Goodwill

My name is Mpaziel Elisifa. I serve as the headmaster of Twelve21 Global’s school on Kome Island. When our school began, community members initially misunderstood our intentions. Some people thought the school served only a specific group of individuals such as pastors’ children. Others believed we must have a hidden evil agenda since they couldn’t fathom why strangers would willingly offer a Christ-centered education, food, and healthcare. 

We worked hard to address these misunderstandings and clarify our true purpose of serving with love and goodwill. We fostered open dialogue by actively listening to concerns and offering transparent explanations and examples of our impact on the community. Any negative perceptions will continue to change as we create opportunities for community members to visit the school and witness firsthand the generous care provided to all individuals, regardless of their background or beliefs.  

We also encourage parents’ involvement, prompting a sense of camaraderie and a shared vision for the students’ well-being and success. Regular communication through parent-teacher meetings effectively keeps parents informed and involved. By consistently sharing information, addressing concerns, and seeking input, we ensure all stakeholders remain on the same page.

Twelve21 Global’s work impacts not only our community but also me and my family. In my one year on staff, I have received opportunities to learn and grow in various ways. Twelve21 Global’s unique approach emphasizes employee development. They provide ample growth opportunities and actively support employees in their journey toward leadership roles. By investing in leadership development, Twelve21 Global supports individual employees while also creating a strong and capable team.

Additionally, Twelve21 Global fosters an open and inclusive environment where ideas and perspectives are welcomed. This openness creates space for collaboration and innovation, allowing for the realization of impactful projects and initiatives. 

Twelve21 Global is an organization that is succeeding in accomplishing its mission. Through its dedicated efforts, it has fostered the development of powerful leaders who are making a difference. Working with Twelve21 Global has been a blessing to me on my career journey. I am grateful to be part of this great work and its positive impact on individuals and communities.

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